camille hatchett

“Without this organization and the amazing people that came with it I would not have made it through all 4 years of college . . . Seeing the way everyone loved each other no matter what truly reinforced my belief in Jesus. I couldn’t be more thankful for this foundation and the people it brought into my life.”

tucker poupard

“I cannot put into words the impact Wesley has had on my life . . . Wesley quite literally gave me a home, and gave me some of the coolest people I know. I met the guy who officiated our wedding, the best musician and listener I know, a hard question-asker and always answer-seeking friend, the best hugger in the world, and so many more. I got to be on staff with all of them everyday to show God to college students around Macon and in the process, God changed my life. Funny how that works.”

earl “dru” ford

“To me, Wesley meant a place where I was able to know God and be known. It was a place that taught me how to lead and follow, teach and be taught, serve and be served. Wesley was the place I felt safe in times of hurt and a place where I could both celebrate my triumphs and move past my failures. Wesley was the place that I was most comfortable and allowed me to create lifelong friendships and memories that will always be treasured.”

brenley wiley

“Wesley was home. Wesley was realness and a safe space and yummy food and comfy couches and silly jokes and learning to live out my faith. Wesley was only a few years, but those memories, friendships and lessons I’ll carry with me always!”