ABout WEsley
Our Mission
Wesley exists to challenge, inspire, and equip young adults to deepen their relationships with Jesus by creating space for worship, teaching, sacred practices, hard questions, and community for all regardless of background, religious experience, or convictions. Those who participate find safety to deconstruct, reconstruct, and grow their faith so they are more prepared to transform the world they encounter in Jesus name.

Worship With Us
Most services feature scripture, worship music, a message relevant to college students, and opportunities for prayer and fellowship, but several times a year we interrupt this rhythm to experience something different and unique including Extended Worship Nights, Coffee House Worship, and special liturgical worship events.
Our all-campus worship meets on Tuesday nights at 8 pm from August to May. Most weeks, we worship in the Centenary UMC Community Center just a short walk from Mercer’s Legacy Dorm! Preceding worship, we gather at 7:40pm to hang out and catch up before worship.

Discipleship at Wesley
At the heart of Jesus’ command to make disciples is a call to love God and to love others. Life with Jesus is more than a once in a while thing. It is a declaration followed by a life of purpose.
Through the power of the Holy Spirit living and speaking through our community, we explore what it means to follow Jesus together. By meeting regularly for conversations and prayer, we celebrate the work of God in lives and develop and strengthen habits of the mind, soul, and body that lead to a deeper relationship with Jesus.
Family Groups
We want to create safe spaces where you are able to grow and connect with the heart of God. Family Groups are groups of 3-8 people that are designed for you to build deeper relationships with God and one another. They are places of honesty, growth and love, and central to who we are as a community!
Interested in family groups? Stay tuned to our Instagram page where we’ll post the latest info on group times & locations.
Community Groups
Community groups are similar to family groups, but they focus on a central topic throughout the semester. They’re usually a group of 5-15 people that meets weekly to explore scripture, prayer, and special topics. Let us know below what you are interested in being a part of this semester!
Join the conversation

Brandon Tolle
Executive Director
About Brandon
Hi y’all. I’m Brandon Tolle, the Campus Minister of Wesley Foundation of Macon. My wife, MaryBeth, and I were married in 2006 and we have two fantastic kids, Eli and Ansley Jane. I have lived in or near Macon since 2004, and I am unbelievably excited to be back at my Alma mater.
I am a Mercerian (’07) and a graduate of Middle Georgia State University (Cochran campus, ’03). MaryBeth is a Wesleyanne (Golden Hearts of ’07) and a graduate of Mercer Law (’10). Without a doubt, we love Macon!
I deeply believe that God’s love is the ultimate theme of the Bible and as the body of Jesus Christ, expressing that love is the ultimate call of the church. God is calling us and empowering us by the Spirit to walk in freedom from sin, death, and shame while engaging the brokenness of the world with faith, hope, and love. Worshipping with, serving with, and discipling students in Macon through Wesley is a dream come true. I am excited to see how God uses us this year to build for the Kingdom together!

Sarah Hazelrig
Associate Director
About Sarah
Hey, I’m Sarah, the Assistant Director of Wesley of Macon! I lead community groups at Wesleyan and Middle Georgia State University, spend time with students throughout the week, and I help make sure that our ministry leaders have what they need to lead!
As a student at Wesley from 2014-2018, I learned so much about what it means to be loved by God and to experience the breadth and depth of God’s presence in Christian community. It changed my life, and now, I’m dedicated to making sure that college students and young adults are invited in to experience that same love!
I would love to get to know you better over coffee or a chat on the Wesley House front porch – don’t be a stranger! Let’s be friends.